There was a few risks were our location was. There was alot of litter and tripping hazzards as there are factorys around the location and there were large metal paint cans and old pipes laying around so they could easily be tripped over. Therefore we had to watch were we were walking as we didn't want no injurys.
Another risk was that we were on abandoned train tracks. These were also tripping hazzards more than the ones above as they are alot larger and easyer to fall over and would cause more damage like broken ankles and hands or arms if you had tripped over them.
Another risk was that there was alot of slippy mud around so we could of easily slipped. I slipped and landed on my bum but if i had fell wierd it may have done some damage.
All of these risks there was not that much you could do to prevent them as there there at the location. You mainly just had to concentrate on what you were doing and where you were stepping and moving.
Luckly for our team while we were there at our location there were no injurys while filming and we all got back to school safe and injury free.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
props we used
We uses a bandage as a prop in the making of this film opening it was to show that i was wonded. In our film opening it shows tom putting on a bandage on my led to help my injury, we filmed tom putting this one on me.
We used a basic bottle of water as a prop in our title sequence. This is because it is post apocalyptic it needs to be realistic, tom had a single bottle of water to represent his supplys and how they were begining to get low. Tom uses this bottle of water in the title sequence to obviously have a drink and also to share it with me.
We also used a large rucksack in our title sequence to set the scene and it is obviously one key thing to the whole survival theme. Tom kept all of his suplys in there, he wore it most of the way through our title sequence.
We also used a survival bag in our title sequence. we thought it would be a good prop for Tom to use. Tom used it to lay on at the start of our title sequence. It was a good think to used to show how server the conditions this flood had left everyone in. Also as the bag is a 'survival bag' it represents him as a survivor.
We also used 3 cans of tomarto soup in our title sequence to show his supplys. These appear at the start of our title sequence.
Tom also used a thick stick in the title sequence. He desided during filming that this stick would be useful to get plants and things out of this way. This is used all the way through the whole title sequence till the end where he meets me. Then he leaves it behind.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Filming Today
We did our filming today, it went really well to be honest we got everything done that we needed to do completely done. before looking it on the computers tomorrow i think we have done everything right. We stayed focus, we had fun with it at times and had a good laugh but for our group it was good. Filming went alot better than i tought it would have done as we tend to get abit side tracked. We managed to get alot of camera angles in there that i think will pick up some marks as we tryed to put in as many as we could think of plus using all of the camera angles we had put in our anamatic and our storyboard.
I think we picked a good location to film as we had picked a different location on a road near a bridge. However in the end i think the location that we filmed in in the end was alot better and fit more in with our genre and looks alot better with less hazards (like cars) in the way witch may also have caused us to pause filming from time to time. So this location was also less time consuming with these factors.
Toms acting went great in my opinion as he kept finding it hard to keep a streight face and not laugh bu in the end he kept his concentration and we got it all done.
Luckly for me i didn't have a great part in the filming as i also find it hard to keep a streight face and not laugh from time to time. However as i wasnt in it much i managed to keep my cool and get on with it.
We are very happy and satisfied that we have got it done so we can now get on with the editin side of the project. Hopefully this will go acording to plan and our final film title sequence will be at a good standard and will look good.
I think we picked a good location to film as we had picked a different location on a road near a bridge. However in the end i think the location that we filmed in in the end was alot better and fit more in with our genre and looks alot better with less hazards (like cars) in the way witch may also have caused us to pause filming from time to time. So this location was also less time consuming with these factors.
Toms acting went great in my opinion as he kept finding it hard to keep a streight face and not laugh bu in the end he kept his concentration and we got it all done.
Luckly for me i didn't have a great part in the filming as i also find it hard to keep a streight face and not laugh from time to time. However as i wasnt in it much i managed to keep my cool and get on with it.
We are very happy and satisfied that we have got it done so we can now get on with the editin side of the project. Hopefully this will go acording to plan and our final film title sequence will be at a good standard and will look good.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
to do list
1. Film
2.Put our clips together in
3. Do the editing we need
4. Put the sound from our zoom mic in
5. Put our titles in
once we have done these then we are done filming wise
1. Need to blog about different films
2. Need to blog up my film wor
3. Answer the essay questions that are needed to be answered
4. Then i need to go back over my blog and see what i have missed out
5. Do some more reasearch
2.Put our clips together in
3. Do the editing we need
4. Put the sound from our zoom mic in
5. Put our titles in
once we have done these then we are done filming wise
1. Need to blog about different films
2. Need to blog up my film wor
3. Answer the essay questions that are needed to be answered
4. Then i need to go back over my blog and see what i have missed out
5. Do some more reasearch
film opening,
post apocalyptic
Monday, 25 November 2013
new weather forcast for tuesday 26th of november.
The weather for tomorrow when we are filming ive had to do this twice as our days have changed. the weather looks good for filming tomorrow and i dont think there will be any problems with it when we go out to film.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
I dont know what sound we are using in our film (like background music). We are going to do that after we have done our film opening. we will deffenetly do that research after! We will deside as a group. I have already done some research into post apocalyptic music, by doing this i have found some tracks i particually like. However as it is a group desision in what track we use, we will have to look into a larger variaty of backing trackes to have everyone satisfied.
In terms of sound in our film opening with our script. we will be using a zoom mic as this will pic up our sound alot more clear than just using the mic on the camera. This being at a higher quality is exactly what we need to make a good film opening. Also because the camera picks up sound it will make it easyer for us to edit our sound from the zoom mic to our film in perfect time.
As a team me have desided not to use the old radio in our film opening, this was one of our ideas at the start of the project. We didm't think this was a good idea in the end for a few reasons. One is that it was many other groups ideas too and we did not want anything simular to what other groups had. Another reason is that we thought with a backing track and a script in it it mite be abit over loaded and harder to make it sound really good.
In terms of sound in our film opening with our script. we will be using a zoom mic as this will pic up our sound alot more clear than just using the mic on the camera. This being at a higher quality is exactly what we need to make a good film opening. Also because the camera picks up sound it will make it easyer for us to edit our sound from the zoom mic to our film in perfect time.
As a team me have desided not to use the old radio in our film opening, this was one of our ideas at the start of the project. We didm't think this was a good idea in the end for a few reasons. One is that it was many other groups ideas too and we did not want anything simular to what other groups had. Another reason is that we thought with a backing track and a script in it it mite be abit over loaded and harder to make it sound really good.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
From my research into looking into our genre on our film opening i know that in the types of films ive looked at they are usually shot in dull and slightly foggy lighting to create a grey effect that fits in specifically well with the post apocalyptic theme. luckly with how the weather is lately and the time of year it is it tends to be grey most of the time. This works to our benift as it is exactly what we need this for our film opening.
If were out in the fields tomorrow mid morning we should have just the right amount of lighting that we need to create this effect.
If were out in the fields tomorrow mid morning we should have just the right amount of lighting that we need to create this effect.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Match on action examples
This is a few examples of match on action shots that has gave me insperation in my film opening simple things done to create a match on action effect. however they did do a few match on actions they could of used alot more camera angles to create a depth of understanding in there work and make it more visually interestiing.
This inspiered me as it shows how you can show a lot of match on actions in a simple way. we are going to use alot of simple match on action in our film opening as its easy to do, however we are going to add alot more camera angles in.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
inteview for feedback
interviews for our audience feedback. This is what we are basing our improvements on and were going to see if our film opening is sutable for our audience and if they would actually watch it.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Mood board for film opening
The mood board for our film opening. So i have a variety of pictures of floods and heavy rain, these pictures are like from before the film. So our film is like the aftermath of the flood. theres a few pictures like the bridge to represent were we are filming it is not an exact picture obviously. The words surving disaster represents what the characters in my film opening have done. The man in the ruck sack represents one of our survivors. I have added a picture of fog as it is what i would think things would look like after this flood, slightly foggy as its still raining but everything has calmed down with the weather.
Our production company logo
This is our production company logo that i have created for our group. I have used different ideas to form this logo.
TBS, stands for Tom, Ben and Sophie. we used our names as the first three letters to put our personal stamp on our production company. This means our names are used some how to build this logo.
The different colour blues are used because of our film opening, this is because our film opening is based on a flood so we thought that blue would be a simple and obvious coulor to use. However mixing a few different shades of blue together makes it look more intresting to look at, as if we only had one individual colour it would just be plain and boring.
The abstract logo picture is used because i personaly thought it looked like water. therefore i used it to simbolise water. this links back to our film opening yet again as our opening is about a flood.
The square grid layout in the back that slightly fades and disapears in places i used to create a little structured effect in the logo. I thought of this by thinking that everything can be perfectly structured yet can simply fade away very quickly. This also links back to our film opening as it relates to how things can be in place (structured) like life and can quickly fade away, but in this film be washed away that represents people dying.
I used the font because it is a smooth clean font. i only choose this because it was easy to look at and read there is no specific links to our film opening using this.
post apocalyptic,
Monday, 18 November 2013
The weather.
This is the weather forcast for our filming on thursday. We have desided thursday as that was the date we have set for filming as on thursday we are all free. it is good that it is partly cloudy on thursday as we need it to be slightly gloomy to match with our genre of film opening.
We are planning on filming around 4 pm however it may start to get dark, this may be a problem due to lighting problems.
Idealy looking at the chart above we should be filming around 3-6 ish whitch is could for us as we will be filming around 4pm. I know this because the visibility is good there and also the wind speed, we dont want it to be to windy for filming as it may make it difficult to shoot certain clips.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
our anamatic
This is our anamatic. This shows how our shots are going to run, its kind of like our story board but it gives us a much clearer image on how things are going to run in our film opening. this is move visually apealing in my opinion as you can clearly star to build up the story in your head and its simple and easy to watch.
practice shots for our film opening
We did a few practice shots of one part of our film opening. We did this to see exactly what camera angles that we could use in our film opening. This gave us a bigger idea and more knowledge on how we were going to do things. By doing this it really has helped us. It also showed us what mistakes that we coul make and what we could do to prevent these mistakes.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Our script.
The Script
This is the script for our dialogue in our film opening.
Person 1
Are you all right I haven't seen anyone in days.
(Enters bridge)
Person 2
Neither have I since the flood.
(rubs injured leg)
Person 2
Cant you see I'm struggling here?
Person 1
(goes over, and offers medical support)
Person 1
Make sure you keep pressure on it.
Person 1:
we've got to get to safety or we'll die out here.
Person 2
Person 1 and Person 2
(walk off in search for safety.)
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Planning on titles
I've started playing around with the title settings learning how to create them in different settings on Adobe Premiere Pro. I have also looked into different fonts. There is a lot of fonts so it is going to be a hard one to pick a specific font. I have counted most fonts out due to what will fit in with the theme of our film opening. The picture above shows one of the fonts that I have looked at set under the still setting on the title settings so with this one it is for individual titles so if you want your titles far apart this would be a good idea as you can blend them in were you want them and then you can pick the effect how it fades in and out.
This is another font that I looked into which I rather liked. However I think the font above fit in better with our theme.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
post apocaliptic music
Ive gone through a few post apocaliptic music tracks and i picked the two i liked the most.
I like this one becaus it starts of really slow and then starts to get lively. i like this music as it really has that sound of a new adventure beguining and it sounds interestiong. i also think it makes the listener feel like something terrible has happened with the babys crys and the slower and calmer sad music in the back ground. However when it starts to get a beat behind it, it starts to make the listener think some action and adventure is going to happen.
I picked this one as well as because i like the pianos and the violins and basses, i think it creates a really good post apocalyptic feel of hope and slight adventure. makes the listener feel like things are going to get better. however makes them feel at the same time that something horrible has happened. i think this one is my favorite out off the two.
I added this one in as we as a team was thinking about doing a little clip a while ago using old radio. we may be able to incorperate it or we may not. Either way i thought it would be quite nice to add in just in case as i personally think it is quite interesting to listen to and does fit in withe the genre that we have picked.
Sound design
The definition of Sound design is the process of specifying, acquiring, manipulating or generating audio things. It is used in filmmaking, television production, theatre, sound recording and reproduction, live performance, sound art, post-production, and video game software. Sound design most commonly involves the manipulation of previously composed or recorded audio, such as sound effects and dialogue. it is also used to create a particular effect or mood. A sound designer is the person who practices the art of sound design. In film you may have more than one sound designer working on one movie, this is to create perfect sound design as one person may thing things a perfect, however if there is more than one sound designer the film would be the best it can be in terms of sound design.
In films, a Sound Designer is a member of a film crew responsible for some original aspect of the film's audio. The original meaning of the title Sound Designer, as established by Coppola and Murch, was "an individual ultimately responsible for all aspects of a film's audio track, from the dialogue and sound effects recording to the re-recording of the final track".
The sound designer is a important member of the production staff, with creative authority equal to the film editor and director of photography.
In films, a Sound Designer is a member of a film crew responsible for some original aspect of the film's audio. The original meaning of the title Sound Designer, as established by Coppola and Murch, was "an individual ultimately responsible for all aspects of a film's audio track, from the dialogue and sound effects recording to the re-recording of the final track".
The sound designer is a important member of the production staff, with creative authority equal to the film editor and director of photography.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Classification categorys
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Monday, 11 November 2013
story board for our title sequence.
This is our story board for our film opening this contains 16 shots, we may add more film shots in when were filming depending on weather the shots fit in with our title sequence at the time.The film opening is going to be about someone who has survived a massive flood that has caused devastation with many people dead and others dying from lack of supplies and bad injuries. He is searching for other humans, supplies and most importantly trying to survive. He picks up a newspaper that tells him about the flood but then carries on his journey. He has an injured arm and while he stops and heels wound. He finds a survivor.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Pacific Rim (2013) title sequences timeline post apocalyptic
Pacific Rim (2013) — Art of the Title
This title sequence was a long title sequence packed full of titles. it also has music from the beginning to the end. The filming is all shots of these robots. from different angles. The title sequence is extremely simple with what they are filming. however they use a wide variety of shots. All combined makes an interesting title sequence.
This title sequence was a long title sequence packed full of titles. it also has music from the beginning to the end. The filming is all shots of these robots. from different angles. The title sequence is extremely simple with what they are filming. however they use a wide variety of shots. All combined makes an interesting title sequence.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Thursday, 7 November 2013
For audiences i looked into different films that fit with my genre. This would give me statistics for what on average group of people would watch my film. A few films that i looked into. Dooms day
This show that the people that in the age group 18-29 where the most likely to like this film. These also show that More males liked this film compared to women. The book of Eli
Females Aged 30-44 4565
Aged 45+ 8586
Males Aged 45+ 7362
Females Aged 45+ 1224
This film also show that the age group more likely to like this film is the 18-29 males.
My conclusion is that the audience that i would target this type of genre film towards is 18-29 year old males and females. Also there might be a small about of targeting towards the 30-44 age group, male and females, Though there is nearly half of 18-29 age group in the 30- 44 group, i still think there is some money to be made within that group of people.
film opening,
post apocalyptic,
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
production and distribution companys.
A production company and distubrution companys are responcible for the marcketing of the films also they make films. They usually only tend to stick to one genre in films that they market and create for. However in some acations the companys expand to other types of genre. Without theses companys films would struggle to be made. A film distributor is someone responsible for the marketing of the film, that is there responsibility no one elses. It is also noted that more than one person is sometimes used for this, so there can be a group of people that can be responsibilty. The distributor sometimes set the release date of the film, when its released and where it will be shown. This mainly goes to cinema exhibitions then later comes out on D.V.D or becomes available to download, this is how they get all there money. As for production company's they are responsible for the filming of the movie, The development and taking control of the actors and what they do.
There is many production companys availible.
Dream works Animation is one well known production company. Its head quarters is in California in the usa. Dream works Animation has created many well known films, things like shrek, madagascar, kung fu panda and how to train your dragon. Dream works Animation is currently been distributed by 20th century fox.
There is many production companys availible.
Dream works Animation is one well known production company. Its head quarters is in California in the usa. Dream works Animation has created many well known films, things like shrek, madagascar, kung fu panda and how to train your dragon. Dream works Animation is currently been distributed by 20th century fox.
Blue sky studios is based in Connecticut,USA. it has produced some well known films things like all the ice ages and the film Rio. Blue sky studios is acquired by 20th century fox.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Mind map for our idea for film opening.
Our mind map for our film opening. i think we could extend this mindmap. but instead of doing that i am just going to do seperate mind maps.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
post apocalyptic film research 3
World war Z
The movie is about a United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to destroy humanity itself.
the film starts set in a city, then it goes to being set in on a army boat where people have been moved for there own protection.The film changes setting a few times as the film progresses like there is a setting in a plain and a old city as well. All of these settings all mixed together and switch round to make a more interesting story. i think by changing the setting often makes it a better film as if the whole film was set in one place it would be perhaps boring. So i personally think that how the director has shaped things up a bit with the setting ha created a better film by doing so.
lighting- in this film i think it has mainly used natural lighting as most of the scenes shot in this film are actually set outside. They probably used some artificial lighting too. They would have done this to cut down on the amount of days it took them to film. They also would of used artificial lighting in darker areas where they needed to film. However even when they did us artificial lighting it looks well and you cant tell that they have used it. The lighting in in the film has a good range of contrast between when it is bright and in the darker areas. The lighting fits in well as each scene has the perfect lighting for the ambiance that there trying to create in them and they capture it really well.
Special effects- like in every film this film also uses a lot of special effects, as this is a zombie film i think that more special effects are needed compared to a film with just normal people. There is also a lot of special effects that you never would of thought were actual effects. there is a scene in the film were a plane gets destroyed in the air and people are flying out of this plane into the sky and then it crashes. In that one scene alone there would of been loads of special effects used.
Costumes- With each actor comes a different costume depending on what there part in the film is obviously. In this film each character doesn't tend to have that many costumes personally. they tend to have only have 1-3 different costumes throughout the film however they have lots of copies of the same costume but maybe slightly dirtier or ripped or have blood on or the progression of the costume getting dirtier throughout the film . this is because it is a survival film they will only be able change there clothes when they have chance when there out and about they clothes will only be getting dirtier and messed up.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
post apocalyptic film research 2
The hunger games.
Katniss Everdeen voluntarily takes her younger sister's place in the Hunger Games, a televised fight to the death in which two teenagers from each of the twelve Districts of Panem are chosen at random to compete.
Setting- The hunger games is set in the future in the ruins North America, in the nation of panem. The country is divided into 12 districts. however the film is set in many different places throughout the film and the trailer. Like in woods, in a city and a battle field.
Lighting- The lighting changes throughout the whole film. in most of the film it uses natural light. This is because they tend to be outside. Therefore using natural light. but at times where there inside and its dark they have used lights to create the atmosphere that is needed and to get the best lighting for the shots that are needed.
Special effects- Like all films this film uses many special effects like the use of big screens and like the use of future looking thing.
Costumes- There are a good few costumes that they used in this film. things like fancy clothing like nice dresses then things like training all in ones and normal every day clothing. all costumes worn are appropriate for each scene.
Props- loads of props are used mainly just normal things that you hardly notice because there that normal however if they were not there it would look odd. they also use props like weapons that are suited for the film.
our first try at a perliminary.
first try at our perliminary.
story boards
Where we shot our preliminary
This preliminary didn't go very well at all we didn't put in our conversation with over the shoulder shots and 360 degrees. also we forgot to use the zoom mic to record sound. So when i started to do the editing me had no sound to put in. This is why we didn't end up using it for our final preliminary.
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